‪Ye!‬ Community activity stream

Yay!....I love this!


  1. Thanks! We are excited to hear it.
    Question - what is one of the biggest struggles you face as a youth entrepreneur?

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Hello Ye! Community, i feel honoured been added into this community and i look forward to making the best out of it.


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Profile picture of Fasoranti Damilola

Fasoranti Damilola

Prikkle Academy

Hello Ye! Community team, I am unable to reply to people's comment on the stream, can you please check what could be the challenge?


  1. Claire Sterngold

    Claire Sterngold

    Ye! Community Coordinator

    Hi Fasoranti,
    Have you been able to make a comment? You need to click the little bubble below each ppost that says the number of comments the post has, then a new text box opens up. Does this work for you?

    -Ye! team

  2. Fasoranti Damilola

    Fasoranti Damilola

    Prikkle Academy

    I think it is working now, as I was able to reply to this, Thank you, Claire.

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Profile picture of Fasoranti Damilola

Fasoranti Damilola

Prikkle Academy

Can you please share tools that you use (Free and Paid) to recover important hidden files in a flashdrive?


  1. Christina Romero

    Christina Romero

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Profile picture of Fasoranti Damilola

Fasoranti Damilola

Prikkle Academy

Hello Ye! Community team,

I am unable to send messages to coaches through the message feature. Can you please look into this? Thank you.


  1. Claire Sterngold

    Claire Sterngold

    Ye! Community Coordinator

    Hi Fasoranti, this problem has been fixed. Can you please confirm that you can now message the coach you were trying to connect with? Thanks!

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