About me

Quality Education Enthusiast | Strategic Development Specialist | Social
Entrepreneur | Creative Writer | Chief Executive, Lifeshapes Foundation, using play to unlock the
potential of children living in low resourced communities in Nigeria.

He is a fellow and recipient of the following;
● Leading Change Leadership Fellow,Kansas State University,(USA) 2020.
● 2 Time recipient of Global Impact Merit Award (UK) 2020).
● Atlas Corps (in waiting Fellow 2020),(USA).
● Emerged as Runner Up, and selected as 1 of 5 national finalists, OpenGov Social Impact
Challenge (Nigeria), December 2019.

Lifeshapes Foundation

Lifeshapes Foundation, is a nongovernmental organisation using play to unlock the potential of children and mothers living in low resourced communities to reimagine education in Nigeria.

We are piloting an innovative Hub-and-Spoke model to sustainably deliver high-quality early childhood programming to families living in low-income communities in north central Nigeria.

We established community Hub centers that serve as best practice models for early childhood care and education in this community. These centers offer safe and stimulating physical environment, trained early childhood development caregivers from the local community, and a healthy and nutrition program, as
well as an exploratory play-based curriculum using learning stations and child-centered strategies.

Additionally we run an annual scholarship program called Back2School to enable children from impoverished families return Back to school every year.

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Hello Ye! Community, i feel honoured been added into this community and i look forward to making the best out of it.


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