‪Ye!‬ is represented in a number of countries by the most inspiring and driven young entrepreneurs!

These young entrepreneurs are spearheading the Ye! global movement and lead the charge in building Ye! Local Chapters. They are driven by their desire to support other young entrepreneurs in their country and to highlight the unique challenges faced by youth entrepreneurs. They are the face of ‪Ye!‬ in their countries, and they work hard to organize meetups and events, build partnerships with other organizations, and facilitate a stronger startup ecosystem.

What is a Ye! Local Chapter? Learn more here!

Do you have what it takes to become a Ye! Ambassador in your country? Email us at ye@yecommunity.com.

Meet our current ambassadors!

And read just a few examples of what they’ve been up to.

  • Botswana


Neo Mosimane is a young woman entrepreneur from Botswana who is working to leverage local knowledge hubs to better serve the community. She has noted in her own career as an entrepreneur that often the information and resources needed to succeed are hard to find. As an Ambassador, she is looking to enhance local networks and organise activities with experts and hubs to make accessing information as a young entrepreneur easy to come by.

  • Burundi


Oscar Ndayiseng is the co-founder of Asodecom an NGO that dreams of a Burundi free from violence and poverty, and with opportunities for entrepreneurs. Oscar is organizing a series of workshops as well as offering a meet-and-work space every week where young entrepreneurs can gather, work, exchange ideas, and grow their enterprises.

  • Cameroon


Nickson Che Ambe is leading the Ye! Chapter to assist new entrepreneurs to raise capital through network and support from investors.
  • Ghana (Accra & Bolgatanga)

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Wilson Amooro and Maxwell Odonkor are building the Ye! Community across two metro areas in Ghana. By working with Universities, volunteer networks and focusing on social causes, these two are working to connect young entrepreneurs throughout the country to experts in the ITC network.

  • Georgia

Zurab Pertaia

Zurab Pertaia is building the Ye! Community in Georgia by targeting young student entrepreneurs and providing them with resources to launch and grow their enterprises.

  • Guinea


Fanta Diaby is the founder of TOogueda Africa. She is connecting with local programmes to build a more comprehensive support ecosystem in Guinea.

  • Italy


Pietro Paolo Ganis is the founder of Clairy the smart flowerpot! He is currenty working with his team to build the Ye! local chapter in Italy but creating a comprehensive network of University students who are interested in entrepreneurship!

  • Kenya


Ifrah Mohamed Arab was the winner of the Ye! Community, Young Entrepreneurs Award in 2016, organized in collaboration with UNCTAD 14. Leroy Mwasaru is one of Forbes 30-under-30 for his innovation in renewable energy. The two are teaming up to connect Kenyan youth to the myriad opportunities which exist in Kenya's thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem.

  • Nigeria


'Lanre' Adeloye Olanrewaju is the founder of Babymigo, a startup which connects pregnant mothers with local experts. He is also the Ye! entrepreneur who met the Queen of England! He organizes monthly fireside chats with local, experienced entrepreneurs where they can share their insights with youth entrepreneurs.

  • Pakistan


​Ozaal Zesha is the founder of not one, but two enterprises! He will bring his knowledge of social enterpreneurship and edutainment to building up the Ye! local chapter in Pakistan!

  • The Gambia


Jariatou Jallow is the founder and CEO of Yonima Errands Runner. She is the pioneer in leading the Ye! Chapter in the Gambia through networking and innovation.

  • The Philippines

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Chino Atilano and Jay Mark Balmes are driving the ‪Ye!‬ Caravan to the universities in the Philippines, bringing star entrepreneurs and speakers to meet up with students! And by simultaneously building partnerships across the Philippines, they’re really building the entrepreneurship ecosystem from the ground up!

  • Rwanda


Aline Uwase is the founder of HappyNess, a social enterprise which supports artisans, often those in tough economic situations, with skills training and market access tby organizing Sunday Markets.

  • Sierra Leone


Bashiru Mansaray is the founder of OS Preneur, an incubator and entrepreneurship hub working to enhance the capacities of social entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone using technology. Bashiru is working to spread the word of Ye! by engaging youth across the country using the medium of radio!

  • Uganda (Kampala & Jinja Chapters)

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Aisha Ali and Eddy Balina will be leading two Chapters in Uganda, one situated in Kampala and one in Jinja, to best serve entrepreneurs across the country. Together they will initative and jointly lead various events to bring together organizations across metropolitan and rural areas.

  • Zambia


Gilbert Mwale won the Ye! Pitching Event Zambia in March, 2017 and is now beginning to create a Ye! local chapter to foster a stronger startup ecosystem within Zambia.

We are now looking for more inspiring young entrepreneurs to lead the ‪Ye!‬ Community worldwide! 

As a ‪Ye!‬ Country Ambassador, you’ll be the face of ‪Ye!‬ in your country and help build the online and offline entrepreneur community on the ground. 

What does that mean? You will be the go-to person for the ‪Ye!‬ members in your country. You will build partnerships in your country. You can organize local meetups, pitching events, and represent ‪Ye!‬ in various national and international events. But you can basically get as creative as you like!

Do you think you have what it takes to be a ‪Ye!‬ ambassador in your country? Get in touch with us!

Some details on the ambassadorship:

  • Requirements: You need to 1) have started your own business; 2) be an inspiring example to other young entrepreneurs; and 3) be under 35 years old
  • There is no financial compensation for the position – all our ambassadors are doing it because they want to make a difference! But, the role is a lot of fun and comes with a lot of exposure – you can’t put a price on that!
  • Assignment is on the basis of 1 year, but can be extended.