‪Ye!‬ connects young entrepreneurs to funding opportunities via pitching events and our global network. If you are running a startup with high growth potential, ‪Ye!‬ can help you scale!

Funding Opportunities During COVID-19

According to the ITC's recent survey among young entrepreneurs around the globe, access to finance ranked as the No.1 challenge in the pandemic. Here are some funding opportunities that might help you go through the crisis. 

Investors and Funders - COVID Response Survey | Acumen, Open Road Alliance, and USAID
Acumen, Open Road Alliance, and USAID are conducting impact investing industry survey to map what funding is available in the impact investing sector for social enterprises to manage disruptions caused by coronavirus.

Covidcap.com Online Searchable Database for Entrepreneurs | CASE at Duke and World Economic Forum
CASE and CASE i3 at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business are maintaining a searchable website to help any entrepreneur in the world, for-profit or nonprofit, struggling due to the economic impacts of COVID-19, to locate cash relief resources in their community. The database lists regional, national and global capital relief. You can contribute to the platform by adding funding resources or by signing up to help with data entry.

Action Against Corona Funding Platform | Dagens Industri, Nordic Capital, and Noorsken
The platform is providing capital and support to startups, projects, or initiatives working to help fight corona or mitigate its effects on people and society

COVID-19 Funding Dashboard | Devex
This funding database explores where the funding is going, who's supplying the money, and what funding is focusing on.

Charitable Grants and Loans | Open Road Alliance
Open Road is offering charitable grants for organizations responding directly to COVID-19. They are also offering four loan products to organizations affected by COVID-19: lost event revenue, accelerating incoming emergency funds, co-investment to support social enterprises and deep impact loans.

Directory of Funding (Re)Sources | The Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship
This live document provides a list of funding opportunities as a result of COVID-19.

Corporate Aid Tracker | U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation 
The business community is mobilizing its expertise, capabilities, and community resources to assist with the relief and containment efforts of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Coalition | Village Capital and Sorenson Impact Foundation
Village Capital and Sorenson Impact Foundation launched the COVID-19 Coalition, a coalition of active investors and an aggregated pipeline of innovative companies responding to COVID-19 challenges. Investors, join the coalition to find and support companies that are responding to COVID-19. Entrepreneurs, apply to be on the Response Pipeline list.​

Connect with an investor via ‪Ye!‬

Haven't seen a pitching event in your country? You can fill in an application on our website so we have you on file for future pitching events, or we might know an investor that we can connect you with. We will review your application and contact you if there are suitable funding opportunities. Please note that ‪Ye!‬ does not invest in companies directly (yet).

Find investors in your country!

We’ve tried to make your life easier by listing some of the investors in your country on our country guides. Just select your country here and scroll down to funding!

Interested in what a ‪Ye!‬ Pitching Event is like? Check out a video below!

Apply for funding

We are always looking for the next promising startup! Your application is mostly likely to be proceeded if you meet our criteria:

*Please note that ‪Ye!‬ does not invest in companies directly (yet).

  • You are between 15 and 35 years old
  • You have a legally incorporated business
  • Your business has been in operations for at least 6 months
  • Your business provides an innovative solution to a problem
  • You have a scalable business and a clear revenue model
  • Your company has potential for sustainable job creation
  • Your business has a  proven track record
  • You are raising capitals ranging between 10,000 and 500,000 euro

You need to become a full member before you can apply for funding.