‪Ye!‬ Community activity stream

Profile picture of Suzy Malebogo

Suzy Malebogo

Hi guys! I am so excited to be here. Can't wait to meet you!


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  1. Vivianne Woo

    Vivianne Woo

    Welcome Suzy :) How long have you been a Ye! member?

  2. Ye! Community

    Ye! Community

    Ye! Community

    Hi Suzy! Feel free to get to know the other community members and make use of the resources on the website

  3. Suzy Malebogo

    Suzy Malebogo

    Thanks guys! Looking forward to being an active Ye! member and getting to know the community.

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Profile picture of Suzy Malebogo

Suzy Malebogo

What can coaches offer entrepreneurs beyond business expertise? Does anyone have an example from their own relationship with a coach/coachee?


  1. Chinô Atilano

    Chinô Atilano

    TimeFree Innovations, Inc.

    Introductions to potential clients. Warm leads are better, especially for B2B.

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