‪Ye!‬ Community activity stream

I am presently mentoring AMR from Egypt who is in logistic business and wants to expand into Europe. We are presently checking how best to go about because of the strict immigration requirements in Europe


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I want to work smarter and more efficiently. Can you share some productivity tools you use or like? Or strategies for streamlining business? Thank you


  1. Every day, i wake up and meditate. That will help you feel fresh and focus. Also, go through the items on your to do list that are pending from the previous day. Second, try to create a short to-do list. The longer the list the less focused you will be. Think of the top 5 things you want to achieve in the day. I use apps such as Any.Do and Evernote to take notes.

    To streamline your business, consolidate your business around core competencies i.e. things you are absolutely great at. Those will be the cash cows. Do not have too many lines of business without any need or value to society. Roughly speaking, you should have one revenue line for each expense that generates more money than every expense line. It is common sense then, you will soon be creating capital

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A computer was asked to predict which startups would be successful. Check it out! Freaky...


  1. Interesting! Thanks for sharing : )

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What is the best and cheapest way to track the traffic coming through my website? How do you guys manage the data coming in?


  1. I am going to try google analytics. But I am trying to research other options. A lot of services are very expensive.

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