About me

Sakina Benabdelkader,Biologist and founder of a startup.
The scientific research for the preparation of my theses in the laboratory of phytochemistry of the University allowed me to understand the value of medicinal plants. That is why I decided to enrich my  university course by other training in the valorization of medicinal plants and the participation in the different scientific
activities: workshops, forums,....
Then, I had the chance to complete my professional career by several  training in Entrepreneurship. this training allowed me to discover the path that leads me to the success in entrepreneurship and consequently, the success of my project.

Ibn El-Bitar

According to the results of scientific research,the premature Cellular Aging triggered by The oxidative stress gives rise to many diseases like (obesity, , diabetes, cancer, and other health complications.
this Oxidative stress caused by free radicals, chemical species extremely unstable. containing an electron not paired. This compound may react by attacking the more stable molecules cells of our body to match its electron, thus speeding up the cellular aging.
GM foods, meat from animals fed artificially, food additives (preservatives,flavors,dyes, ...) and emotional stress is the main source of free radicals.
faced with the spread of this serious danger, we tried to have a solution by production of the nutraceutical products based on medecinal plants, rich in natural antioxidants that they have the ability to inhibit the free radicals by creating covalent addition, thus inhibits the triggering oxidation chain reactions and stop their propagation.
Our project is in Creating a business of production the nutraceutical products based on medicinal plants. Our principal objectives are :
1-The valorization and investment in the medicinal plants.
2-The contribution in the economic development.

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السلام عليكم
مشروعي في مجال الاستثمار في النباتات الطبية


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