The International Trade Centre has developed a suite of online tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to markets. The suite of tools, comprised of Trade Map, Market Access Map, and Export Potential Map provides practical information for entrepreneurs engaged in international trade businesses.

A key challenge for exporters is the scarcity of reliable trade information on markets. Exporters need to stay on top of competitive conditions in their current markets, scan opportunities for new markets, and look for opportunities to diversify or value-add to their existing product range. At the same time importers worldwide also seek to optimize the potential offered by preferential trade agreements and improve the efficiency of their sourcing by scanning for new and competitive supplier countries. ITC addresses these issues with its suite of interactive databases that enables SMEs to make actionable decisions.

Key Features

  • Trade Map: publishing monthly, quarterly and annual trade statistics with practical trade indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and the level of competition from both the product and country perspective.
  • Market Access Map:  providing information vital for accessing target markets such as customs tariffs and other market access information such as Rules of Origin (ROOs), trade remedies, and Non-Tariff Measures for more than 190 countries.
  • Export Potential Map:  innovative approach to help users spot products, markets and suppliers with untapped  export potentials as well as opportunities for export diversification for 222 countries and territories

* ITC’s Market Analysis Tools are Global Public Good funded by the European Union (EU) and donors to ITC Trust Funds. Access to ITC Tools is free for all users: For more information, please contact

Read more on International Trade Centre (ITC)’s website