About me

Jeremiah Paul Wandili is the Community Development and Project Management expert, serial social entrepreneur, Facilitator, civil society leader, and African change maker. He is the founder and Executive Director of Wote Initiative for Development Empowerment (WIDE) with Seven (7) years of vast and outstanding experiences in community development projects management, working with local and international organizations.
Through working with WIDE and other NGO’s over the past 7 years, he managed to train various regional civil society organizations, SME’s and Social Enterprise in leadership and business development services, marketing facilitation, penetration strategies, and value addition.
Wandili, is the YALI Alumni (Cohort 12, YRLC 2016) in Civic leadership; A graduate of BA in Community Development (2012) at Tumaini University, Iringa. Currently, he is studying for Master of Community Economic Development (MCED) at Open University Tanzania.
Board Membership
Youth Leadership Advisory Board (YLAB) of Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania as the Board member inform and guides DOT Tanzania’s current and future strategic programs through DOT’s emphasis on youth voices and local context. He's interested in the field of community economic development, social enterprises and digital innovation, social change, governance, and leadership.

Wote Initiative for Development Empowerment(WIDE)

I am running a food processing company called GIFTED NAFAKA, we are specializing in cereals crops, i.e Maize, Rice, and Pulse. We are working with rural farmers to add value to their harvest, we are we are processing Rice in different grades and flours (corn flours) then we package and deliver to the markets on the wholesale and retails which we are targeting urban communities and middle class or middle-income earners which accounts for 45% of the population (2019)

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