She Entrepreneur

She Entrepreneur is a registered social enterprise whose mandate is to promote sustainable business practices among females under 30 years of age. Businesses create jobs and jobs empower females reducing vulnerability to deprivation. She Entrepreneur focuses on three thematic areas namely; economic empowerment, skills development and capacity building.
Founded in 2016 the organisation aim is to organise and facilitate business workshops and bootcamps that promote solid businesses. She Entrepreneur realises that particularly in tertiary institutions, business is conducted for sustenance with little or projection of growth. She Entrepreneur’s workshops have been designed to teach basics from how a business is a separate entity, different sources of finance, financial management and how to grow a business. Workshops also encompass personal finance lessons without which one cannot effectively manage their business finance. Growth of start-ups is imperative in the advancement of women’s economic empowerment at all levels. It is for this reason that under the Ambassador program all trainees are tasked with passing on their lessons to three individuals. In its one year of existence She Entrepreneur brand has become a well known brand particularly at the largest local university, University of Zambia, as one only association that promotes female entrepreneurship.

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