28 November 2019

Ye! Graduates to ITC

Exciting things are happening at Ye!. From now on, Ye! will be managed by the International Trade Centre (ITC)! The formal handover happened today 28 November 2019 at ITC's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Read the full press release here.


What is the International Trade Centre (ITC)?
The ITC is a joint agency under the mandate of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the UN. ITC has a been a supporter of youth, enhancing trade, entrepreneurship and empowering women, through their various programmes. Click here to read more about the ITC.

What is ITC’s plan for the Ye! Community?
As ITC is a joint agency under the UN and the WTO, it ITC has huge access to policymakers, corporations, entrepreneurship institutions and much more. They will work to ensure that, across the world, these institutions are working to improve the ability for young people to start and run their own enterprises. And of course, to engage in international trade.  Beyond this, they will provide you access to more programs and initiatives and to a larger support network.

Recently, ITC strengthened its commitment to supporting youth entrepreneurs. This makes the ideal new home for Ye!.

Do I need to take any action?
Nope! If you are already a member of the Ye! Community, just stay put. We would appreciate if you could share with us about how we can improve the platform here.

If you have decided you are no longer interested in being a part of the Ye! Community, we must say we are sad to see you go, but we understand your needs many have changed. You can always delete your profile by logging into your account and clicking edit profile. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the delete profile link, like shown in the image below. 

You can also send an email directly to csterngold@intracen.org with the subject line [Opt out of transition] and we can delete your profile for you. We do recommend that you stick around, as we think you will really like the new and improved Ye!.

Who is my point of contact?
It’s still Claire – just with a different email address now! Feel free to reach out to Claire via Csterngold@intracen.org if you have any questions, concerns or questions.

It is wonderful to have you as part of this new chapter in Ye!'s journey.

Best wishes,
Ye! Team


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