4 March 2021

Ye! Community Ghana Gives Back

About Ye! Chapter Ghana

The Ye! Community is a global network of young entrepreneurs that are committed to building viable ventures that are both profitable and socially responsible. The Ye! Community is represented in countries around the globe by youth representatives called Ye! Ambassadors and a local organisation, the Ye! Anchor. Together they team up to build a local network called the Ye! Chapter. This local network is dedicated to enhancing young entrepreneurs’ access to networks, support, capacity building, and opportunities. 

In Ghana, Ye! is represented by Maxwell Odonkor and Wilson Amooro. These two young entrepreneurs are socially conscious and dedicated young Ghanaians, committed to building a movement to benefit their peers and their community. The Ye! Chapter in Ghana is anchored by Kumasi Hive, a trusted and awarded local business hub providing incubations and acceleration programmes to budding young tech-enabled ventures. Together, these local changemakers are building a movement to raise awareness on the needs of young entrepreneurs, enable access to support and resources, and build a community.

The Concept

Ye! Chapter Ghana is organizing a national campaign to give back to the community. Starting on 13th March 2021, we will be mobilizing a network of youth entrepreneurs and changemakers to engage in an activity to volunteer their time to give back to their community. This campaign seeks to inspire positive contributions to the community and to demonstrate that youth are committed to supporting positive and inclusive development. Following Independence Day, we will be mobilizing these youth to contribute in groups or as individuals to an activity of their interest that supports the community. The campaign will close at the end of the month.

Examples of ways to give back:

  1. Organize a trash collection day

  2. Organize a talk on the value of recycling

  3. Hold a small seminar on health and nutrition for kids

  4. Partner with a local bank to have a workshop on the importance of saving money

  5. Organise a group to volunteer with a local farm to work for free 

  6. Volunteer at a local school to work with kids and explain about business

These are just a few ways that you can give back. There are countless others. Just ensure that you are supporting your community to be a better place and tackling the SDGs.


These are just a few examples but the opportunities are really endless! The only criteria is the following:

  1. Register yourself or your group on our Ye! Community Ghana Gives Back Campaign sign up sheet

  2. Provide a short concept or idea

  3. Provide the location

  4. Provide your telephone and email address

  5. Ensure that your activity is voluntary and that any partners are on-board

  6. Activities must relate to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  7. Activities must not be exclusionary and open to any individual seeking to participate

  8. Must be scheduled to take place starting from 13th March or thoughout the remainder of the month

  9. Document activity

  10. Submit all proof of activity by 8 April 2021 to youthandtrade@intracen.org

Next steps

Interested to be involved with this nationwide campaign? Now is the time to sign up. Below, see the steps to get involved and give back to make your community a better place. Let's prove that youth entrepreneurs are considerate and active in bettering local ecosystems.

Pre-campaign steps:

  1. Register your intent to be involved here.

  2. Gather your team or do it yourself!

  3. Connect with any partners or collaborators

  4. Make a group chat to facilitate easy exchange and conversation

  5. Assign someone to document your activity (THIS IS A MUST)

On the Day:

  1. Setup meeting time and location with your team or partners 

  2. Arrive on time

  3. Document your activity

  4. Be flexible and kind if things don’t go as planned


  1. Collect photos or video

  2. Share with ITC youthandtrade@intracen.org

  3. Sign up to www.yecommunity.com to see updates about your activity on the website and social media!

Additional Considerations:

Should you take photos, you must obtain consent from any subject of your photos. Verbal consent is okay but written consent is better. You can use this consent form here as a template.

Don't wait! Prepare your team, your idea, and your partners and get ready to give back! Register your concept here!

Remain involved with the Ye! Chapter in Ghana by joining the WhatsApp chat

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