3 February 2017

Ye! Awards 2017 open for application! (closed)

* The applications of the Ye! Awards have been closed.

What are the Ye! Awards all about?

The Ye! awards are part of the Global Inclusion Awards. They are designed to celebrate an outstanding young entrepreneur who is successfully running his/her own enterprise and is making a positive impact on society. 

Who can apply?

Any entrepreneur, from any country who is under 30 years old and whose enterprise has been officially running for over a year.

You, the entrepreneur

  • You are between 16 - 30 years old and you are the founder/co-founder of the startup company
  • Your show a high level of integrity and a commitment to sustainability

Your business 

  • Existing, registered companies (>1 year of operations) with proven customer base
  • Post revenue
  • Scalable or replicable business models
  • Potential for sustainable job creation
  • Commitment to the principles of People, Planet, Profit.

A bigger award than the last!

Last year’s awards were a huge success. We received hundreds of excellent applications, and had the difficult task of narrowing these down to 6 finalists from around the world.

Together, we celebrated at the breathtaking Golden Hall in Stockholm, in the presence of Governors, Ministers, business leaders and the media. Have a sneak peek at last year’s Global Inclusion Awards here.

This year, we are getting even bigger, and the international spotlight is shining brighter. This is because the Ye! Awards are an official event of Germany’s G20 Presidency!

Read more about the G-20 here

What the winner receives

The award winner will get a sponsored trip to Berlin in May to attend the Global Inclusion Award Gala Dinner and receive the award on stage.

The award winner will have an exclusive invitation to the G-20’s Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Forum in Berlin. This is an opportunity to rub shoulders with high-ranking country officials, business leaders, business angels and representatives from large multinational institutions.

Keep an eye out for the 2018 Awards being held in South Africa!

Meet the Jury Members

Chair: Natascha Beinker is Deputy Head of Division “Cooperation with the private sector/sustainable economic policy” at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). She is German G20 GPFI Troika Co-Chair and Co-Chair for the GPFI SME Finance Sub-group.

Natascha joined BMZ in 2002 and has since then held several responsibilities, including serving as the Head of Development Cooperation at the German embassy in Kenya. Before joining the ministry, she worked for Deutsche Post/ DHL and as business journalist. Natascha studied Economics and Political Science in Germany and Canada.

• Tatiana Chopova has 20 years of investment, strategy consultancy and finance experience. Tatiana is currently a Managing Director in AlpInvest Partners’ and she is also pursuing a PhD in social psychology. Previously she worked at McKinsey & Company. (Moscow and Brussels) and Credit Suisse First Boston (London).

Ambassador Moushira Mahmoud Khattab, Ph.D is an Egyptian human rights activist, former politician & diplomat. She is Egypt’s candidate for UNESCO Director General and the country’s former Minister of Family & Population, Former Assistant Minister of Egypt to the Republic of South Africa, the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well serving in Egypt’s diplomatic missions in Australia, Hungary, Austria and the United Nations. She is also a human rights activist advocating the rights of children and women and the former Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child based at the UN Headquarters.

Flore-Anne Messy is the Head of the Financial Affairs Division of the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She is also Executive Secretary of the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE). Prior to the OECD she worked at Deloitte and Touche Tomatsu Audit Paris, in the insurance and banking field.

Lauren Young is the Personal Finance Editor at Thomson Reuters and works closely with both Reuters.com and other Thomson Reuters platforms.

Gert Jan van der Hoeven is the Founder and Managing Partner of H2 Equity Partners. Gert Jan is Chairman of the Investment Committee and has 25 years of investing experience. Before H2 Gert Jan has worked with McKinsey & Company.

Shaun Mundy is a consultant who specializes in issues of financial capability and regulation. He has worked with CGAP, the OECD, the World Bank, and many other leading international organizations.

Dr. Henrik Naujoks is a Director at Bain & Company and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the Global Exchange for Social Investment.

We want to thank the great support of our network!

The Ye! Awards are growing with the great support of incubators, accelerators, startup networks and organizations who share the common vision of building a better startup ecosystem for entrepreneurs. We would like specially thank these organizations for their collaboration and support! We will keep the Ye! Community posted on the opportunities offered by these awesome organizations.
Thank you!

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