8 March 2018

Turning Your Passion into Your Profession

It has been said that if you do what you love, you’ll never work another day in your life. While this may be true, it can be difficult to decide where to start or what type of business you’ll turn your passion into.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had an interest in makeup. However, what really fueled my passion was my mother who was a Mary Kay sales consultant.  I remember that every Tuesday night she would attend the weekly Mary Kay meetings. Each time, she would get all dressed and made up and would be so excited! Every time she came home from the meetings, it seemed that she was empowered with a renewed belief in herself. She went from being an at-home mother of four to an entrepreneur! I remembered thinking that if makeup made her feel this good, I wanted to know what it was all about!

In my late twenties, I discovered MAC (Makeup Artist Cosmetics) and my life was forever changed. The passion I had for makeup was reignited the very moment I walked into a MAC store in Washington, DC. I remember seeing makeup artists with gorgeous and flawless makeup, dressed in all black; the store was filled with excitement! I wanted to be one of them! I wanted to be a Makeup Artist (MUA).

I wasn’t much of a MUA and although I was able to apply my own makeup well, I knew that I needed to develop my application skills. One summer I was given the opportunity to apply at MAC as a freelance (MUA) while residing in Texas. Although I wasn’t hired for the job, I began to study and practice my application skills. I was determined. I practiced the techniques on myself and convinced others to allow me to apply their makeup. Over time, I became pretty good. Ten years later, I was afforded the opportunity, yet again, to audition for MAC. As luck would have it, this time I was hired on the spot!

When I started working for MAC, I soon discovered that it was a very fast-paced environment. I had to learn quickly and often independently to remain adept to new makeup trends. MAC was about the artistry of makeup. With this focus, I learned and embraced makeup as an art form.

The team of MUA’s that I worked with taught me a lot! Yet, there was something greater in me and I yearned to do more. I did not want to become a celebrity MUA but wanted my own company. I had no idea where to begin, so I began my research on the web. I soon discovered private label manufacturing companies who specialize in assisting individuals to create their own cosmetic lines. I found a company that would help bring my dream into fruition. At the age of 38 years old, I became an entrepreneur and launched my very own cosmetics line; Christina Victoria Cosmetics.

Below are just a few simple actions you can take to help get you started.  

  • Become familiar with other companies that are in the same industry; assess the competition. What will differentiate your business from your competition?

  • Who will be your target audience? (consider the market you want to service/provide to; i.e. men/women, age ranges, geographical locations, etc.)

  • Branding is important. What will you name your business? (something catchy that stands out; something unforgettable)

Take into consideration that as a new business, you may not initially generate a ton of money; you will need to factor in expenses for running a business such as (the cost of supplies, mileage, advertising, marketing, etc.)  You can always rally the support of family and friends who may want to volunteer their time to help you.

Remember! It is important that you are consistent with your business efforts and that you stay focused. A business that you are not fully committed to seeing through will never take off. Those who can weather the storm are the entrepreneurs who will see their dreams through to fruition. One of the most compelling things I’ve learned about passion is that it has a mind of its own, it will always come back to find you because it lives in you.

Christina V. Gusby, MPA

Founder & CEO of Christina Victoria Cosmetics

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