10 December 2018

Start Early: How to Teach Entrepreneurship in Schools

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“An entrepreneur!”

How can we teach and ensure that entrepreneurial skills are taught to children and youth?

The world needs more innovation and it needs more entrepreneurs, but how and when should we start nurturing the next generation of doers and dreamers? There is a lot of evidence to suggest that there are benefits to teaching entrepreneurship to children at school. Let’s delve in!

  1. BizWorld empowers elementary and middle school children across the cultural and economic spectrum with hands-on, project-based entrepreneurship programs that promote financial management, leadership, and teamwork. The goal is to inspire the next generation of innovators to become the economic engines of their communities.
  2. Teaching entrepreneurship in schools helps students gaining transferable skills they can use to play the career game well, no matter what the future throws at them. Undertaking the entrepreneurial journey early on will prepare them for this game. Let’s check 4 entrepreneurial skills we should be teaching in schools.
  3. Our education system is responsible for preparing young people to build successful lives, that’s one of the reasons why schools should teach entrepreneurship.
  4. In 2010, world-renowned education and innovation expert, Sir Ken Robinson argued that our current education system stifles and anesthetizes creativity, while it lowers the capacity for divergent thinking. Robinson suggests 10 different ways to encourage youth entrepreneurship .
  5. Children can also start getting a grip on the basics of business before they set foot in school.  See how entrepreneur Anne-Marie Faiola, CEO of supplies businessBramble Berry Handcraft Provisions DIY has discovered how to teach her kids to become tomorrow's entrepreneurs.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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