22 June 2020

You've got questions, we have answers!

Q: How will the winners be selected?

A: Two winners will be chosen. The People’s Choice Winner will be the video that gets the most votes, and the other winner will be evaluated by YALDA and ITC based on the submission criteria.

Q: What are the prizes?

A: Both winners will receive technical assistance from the International Trade Center. They will also win a 30-minute one on one chat with the Executive Director of the ITC. Winners will gain valuable business advice/insight to help manage and grow  their businesses.

Q: What are the qualifications/requirements to enter?

A: Each video submission must answer the 3 questions posted on the Ye! Community website. The video must be in English, however videos in other languages will be accepted as long as there are legible English subtitles. Each young entrepreneur entering the contest must be under the age of 35. The video submission must be regarding your innovative business idea in response to COVID-19. The terms and conditions can be found on the Ye! Community website.

Q: Can I enter as an unregistered business?

A: Yes, you can. Should you win the competition, the ITC will advise you on how to register your business and provide assistance in that process.

Q: How can I get involved?

A: It’s simple really! First, create an account by registering on the Ye! Community website. Once you are registered on the site, you can gain access to a network of international mentors, as well as other young entrepreneurs. Once logged in through your user account, head to the video contest page. On this page, you will find all the information you need! Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see where you can submit your video.


On the contest page, you will find the requirements for our video contest. Please read carefully through all of the requirements. Videos that do not meet the requirements may have points deducted from their score or be ineligible to win.

One last point to note! Only links from Vimeo or Youtube are accepted! Don’t worry! It is super simple. To learn how to upload your video to Youtube click here. For vimeo, go here.

Final point- If you have any questions, we are here to help! Send an email to youthandtrade@intracen.org and we will answer any further questions you may have.

Happy filming!

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