14 March 2015

Do you know one of the Top 100 young entrepreneurs of the world?

The Ye! Community is planning to make a list of the Top 100 young entrepreneurs from around the world - and we are asking you to recommend someone - or yourself!

By compiling this list, we are going to showcase these amazing young people; to investors; to the media; to the Financial Sector; to Governments. Basically, to all the people and organisations who should be supporting and investing them!

Who are we looking for?

Any entrepreneur under the age of 30 who is the founder or co-founder of their enterprise.

As for their business, it should

  • Legally registered (>1 year of operations)

  • Already be making revenue

  • Have a replicable business model

  • Show potential for sustainable job creation

  • *Bonus points for showing commitment to the principles of People, Planet, Profit*

Why are we doing this?

As a global community for and by young entrepreneurs, we want to SHOUT FROM THE HILLTOPS that young entrepreneurs are changing the world and that NOT ENOUGH is being done to support them. This list will show the world how impactful, innovative, dedicated and successful young entrepreneurs can be - and how many more can be too when given the right support and environment.

What’s the benefit of being on the list?

There is one thing we are going to do with the list.

Share. Share. Share.

And we have a huge network. What does that mean? Tons of exposure for your enterprise! (Here’s a sample of the network) .

This means that entrepreneurs on the list will receive exposure from media, investors, corporates, governments and more.

Not only that, but we will also be creating strategic partnerships, that the entrepreneurs on this list can benefit from. For example, they will be offered exclusive access to business opportunities offered by our partners, like pitching events, investment opportunities and even one-on-one coaching from the highest level CEOs.

And there’s a bonus

Every entrepreneur who applies or who is recommended to be on the Top 100 list will be added to the Ye! Global Awards shortlist. If they are selected as finalists, they will be invited to attend our annual Ye! Awards Ceremony Dinner Gala. We organize these awards with some awesome partners (think G20!) and in outstanding locations (think Nobel Prize Winners Dinner Hall).

Watch here how the Global Awards transformed one Ye! Entrepreneur’s business.

What’s the process?

Do you know someone who should be on this list? Even better, are YOU someone who should be on this list? The process is simple.

1- If you know someone, either let us know by emailing us their name and contacts on  ye@yecommunity.com, or invite them directly to apply via the application form

2- Application form is here!

3- Applications are then reviewed by a committee, who decides which applications to put through to the 2nd round

4- Applications which make it to the 2nd round will then be asked to submit supporting documentation (Business plan, pitch deck, proof of age, publicly available financial statements)

5- Our expert Jury will then decide on the world’s Top 100 entrepreneurs!

6 - We publish the list, and the sharing starts.

Did someone say “expert Jury?”

Why yes, we did.

On the jury, we have investors:

Tatiana Chopova has 20 years of investment, strategy consultancy and finance experience.

Gert Jan van der Hoeven is the Founder and Managing Partner of H2 Equity Partners.

Wim van der Beek is the founder and managing partner of Goodwell Investments.

A G20 SME expert:

Natascha Beinker is Deputy Head of Division “Cooperation with the private sector/sustainable economic policy” at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

And a world-renowned social entrepreneur

Jeroo Billimoria is the founder of 9 social enterprises including Child Helpline International, Aflatoun, and Child & Youth Finance International, to name just a few.

So let’s find the world’s top 100 youth entrepreneurs! Recommend someone now or apply yourself!



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