12 July 2018

'Ask a Coach Hour' Calendar

Did you know the Ye! Community has over 120 expert coaches who have volunteered to share their vast knowledge and assist you in growing your business! In order to furthur support young entrepreneurs, the Ye! Community is now hosting ‘Ask A Coach Hour’ on the Ye! Community Facebook. Ye! will feature a different expert twice a month to discuss entrepreneurship, business, finance, marketing or a related topic live, for one hour. Join in to gain knowledge, ask questions, and connect with coaches and entrepreneurs from around the world!

Stay updated on the Ye! Community's upcoming sessions!


To watch the latest 'Ask a Coach Hour,' head over to the Ye! Community Facebook or Youtube channel.

To learn more about the previously featured coaches, read their blogs - 

Read more about Chirag Shah here.

Read more about Vineet Arya here.

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