11 April 2019

Ask a Coach Hour

Ye! Coach and Entrepreneur Christina V. Gusby shares her expertise on emotional intelligence and leadership for the modern entrepreneur.

TLDR, or in this case TLDW...  

That's okay, we get it, you're busy. Just for you, Ye! has compiled Christina's Top Takeaways in this handy graphic below. Take a look!

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Ready to take this relationship up a notch?

Don't worry,  you're in luck! Christina is Ye! Community Coach. She is available to continue the discussion or work on other topics. All it takes is a the click of a button to get in touch with her via her Ye! Community Profile. What are you waiting for, get to clickin!

You want more knowledge!?

Okay, okay, okay, you over achievers, Ye! has you covered! For those who just can't get enough, here is another blog post on why top CEOs value EQ over IQ. Don't take our word for it. Read the blog!

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