15 October 2018

Are Businesses Really Committed to the SDGs?

Businesses may talk the talk that they are committed to these high-reaching goals, but are they actually? Let's assess.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that businesses are taking the SDGs seriously and making a serious committment to including these goals within their business models.

  1. Survey: Leading Companies Embrace SDGs as 'Strategic North Star'
  2. Can The World's Major Companies Really Become Committed To Sustainable Development?
  3. How Businesses Are Collaborating for the Sustainable Development Goals

  4. World Benchmarking Alliance launches to help business measure progress against the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

  5. Business Goals and the SDGs go Hand in Hand

Others are not buying it...

  1. More than half of all businesses ignore UN's sustainable development goals

  2. Do Companies Care About the SDGs?

Of course, there is always room for improvement.

  1. Business Action on the SDGs: Insights from Oxfam

  2. Three Reasons Business Leaders Should Care About the SDGs

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