22 February 2018

Announcing the Ye! Global Youth Entrepreneur Awards

The Ye! Global Awards are designed to celebrate outstanding young entrepreneurs who are successfully running their enterprises while also creating a positive impact on society.

Who can apply?

Any entrepreneur, from any country who is between 16 and 30 years old and whose enterprise has been officially running for over a year.

You, the entrepreneur

  • Are the founder or co-founder of an enterprise
  • Show a high level of integrity and a commitment to sustainability

Your Business

  • Existing, registered companies (>1 year of operations) with proven customer base
  • Post revenue
  • Scalable or replicable business models
  • Potential for sustainable job creation
  • Commitment to the principles of People, Planet, Profit.

Applications close the September 30, 2018.


Why Apply?

Winners will be recognized within the Ye! movement as leaders in creating sustainable economic opportunities for youth. Winners will spearhead the movement and be recognized within the Ye! Global network of international stakeholders as driving forces of change.

Decisions on the final venue are still in motion, luckily, we are spoiled for choice! Here is what we do know - Ye! Global Awards will be held this summer and we want you there! This is an opportunity network with high-ranking country officials, business leaders, business angels and representatives from large multinational institutions.

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Don’t take our word for it!

Last year’s Global Awards were a huge success with hundreds of applicants from more than 130 countries. Winners were invited to a roundtable discussion during the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) on the bankability of youth and were given the chance to present their businesses on stage during the Global Inclusion Awards Dinner Gala. Check out the photos here and read up on all of last year’s finalist here.

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About the Jury

Last year’s Jury was made up of high-level investors, bankers, government ministers, and consultants. Learn more about last year’s jury below and prepare to pitch your business to the pros!

Ye! Global Awards Jury Members 2017

Tatiana Chopova has 20 years of investment, strategy consultancy and finance experience. 

Gert Jan van der Hoeven is the Founder and Managing Partner of H2 Equity Partners. 

• Chair: Natascha Beinker is Deputy Head of Division “Cooperation with the private sector/sustainable economic policy” at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

Ambassador Moushira Mahmoud Khattab, Ph.D is an Egyptian human rights activist, former politician & diplomat. 

Flore-Anne Messy is the Head of the Financial Affairs Division of the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 

Lauren Young is the Personal Finance Editor at Thomson Reuters and works closely with both Reuters.com and other Thomson Reuters platforms.

Shaun Mundy is a consultant who specializes in issues of financial capability and regulation.

Dr. Henrik Naujoks is a Director at Bain & Company and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.


Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing

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